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Architectural Bridesmaids Bouquet


A complimenting bridesmaid bouquet made using a combination of roses with luxe seasonal flowers in blush, neutral and muted tones. With an element of both structure and fluidity, this bouquet is both soft and architectural.

About our bridesmaids bouquets

Our bridesmaids bouquets vary slightly depending on the season. The bouquets will be tied and bound with satin ribbon that is complimentary to the shade of the flowers.

The dimensions and form of this bouquet may vary slightly. The approximate measurements are 20-25cm in width and 15-20cm in height.

We will be in touch with you 7-10 days prior to your selected delivery or collection date to confirm any finer details necessary.

Consultations are not included within the pre-order service. If you require further flowers for your wedding or would like a consultation, please ask us about our bespoke wedding packages.

Want more inspiration?

We keep our Instagram up-to-date with seasonal blooms and our latest inspirations.

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